Let us analyse your phone bill!

Let us analyse your phone bill!

I’ve said recently that as part of our service, we’ll analyse customers’ phone bills for them, to see if we can save them money on their business communication. This can take a while to do properly, but it invariably pays-off, as we win their business.

This week, I looked at a new clients current costs at their new office in Burton – phones; broadband; calls; IT services, etc.

In a few short minutes, we found a way to make savings of around £150 a month, and that doesn’t even take their calls and phones in to consideration. By the time we’ve finished, I reckon we’ll be saving them somewhere in the region of £200 to £250 per month.

Let us analyse your phone bill!

So do you know anyone who might be paying too much for their communications and IT services, but probably doesn’t realise. If so, please pass on my card. They’ve nothing to lose, but perhaps a lot to gain.

And as most of you know – it’s only a couple of weeks to the end of the tax year. So this week – who do you know who’s made a huge profit and doesn’t want to pay it all to the tax man. New IT kit is the answer. Tell them to buy some new equipment from us; thereby reducing their profits.

Thanks for reading

James Partner

Oasis Technology